Saturday, December 20, 2008

Paige Noelle's Birth Story

The homebirth as a whole went great. The labor was short and intense - which was unexpected since this was my first baby. I felt a pop at 9:45pm (11/15), started contracting at 10, and she was here by 2:30am (11/16).

Michael and I had just finished watching Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector when I got up to go to the bathroom, felt the pop and saw a little blood. I was going to get up again for something and felt a pain like a contraction and told Michael “Ouch, that kinda hurt.” They kept coming after that one.

We went upstairs and Michael starting trying to call (our midwife’s assistant) at 10:05. I sat on the toilet in case I started leaking water and asked Michael to bring the laptop so we could time the contractions on Contraction Master. After that, I only let him leave in between contractions and would holler at him to come back when I felt one starting. They started out 2.5 minutes apart lasting 60-90 seconds and stayed that way the entire labor. When MWA called back about 10:30, she could hear me moaning in the background. She asked “Is that MaryBeth?” She was on her way immediately.

Michael asked if I wanted a bath since that made contractions go away in the past, so I decided to try it. MWA called back and suggested taking a bath to “slow things down” and help me feel better to which Michael responded, “One step ahead of you. She’s already in there.”

MWA and backup MW got to the house just before 11 and I was back on the toilet because it was more comfortable to sit straight up than recline in the tub. They started setting up the bed and birthing tub and checked the baby’s heart rate between contractions - it was in the 140s. Michael tried to help them as much as he could, but stayed with me for the most part to help me through the contractions. He was wonderful about supporting me during contractions. We didn't really have a chance to get into a relaxation rhythm because the intensity started so soon, but he caught onto my pattern quickly and was able to breathe with me and help focus me. He did sustain a few injuries to his hand before he took his wedding band off, and I bit him once and pinched him a couple of times when I lost focus during a contraction. Oops! He was very forgiving about that though =)

I tried various positions –sitting, standing, leaning – before getting into the birthing tub. They moved me to the bed about 11:45 to do an internal - 5 cm, 50% effaced, and 0 station. Then off to the birthing tub in the baby’s room at 12:07am. The tub felt good and I was able to move into different positions – Michael had to keep switching sides to be close to me. The contractions became more intense and I got behind a few of them. Michael was pretty good about refocusing me though. They checked the baby’s heart rate at 12:15am and 12:52am - 130s. At 1:00am I felt the baby “pushing”. At 1:10am they checked me again - 7-8cm, 75% effaced, and head “almost crowning”.

MWA and MW were great. MW was actually a backup because ours was out of the country. They were very noninvasive, very quiet and reserved during the labor, and were great about following my lead. They only did a couple of internal checks and they encouraged me to feel the baby and feel the progression. That was great for me because it encouraged me not to push until I was complete. They listened to her heartbeat a couple of times during contractions and a couple times in between. They would tell me ahead of time "Ok during the next contraction…” or “after this contraction, we're going to...." They also encouraged me to get up about every hour or two to go to the bathroom to help relieve pressure, as well as drink as much as I could tolerate. So in between contractions I tried to drink lots of juice and water. I did throw up a couple of times, but I still continued to drink which helped me feel a lot better.

I stayed in the tub until about 1:30am. I was no longer comfortable and decided to get out. We intended to have a water birth, but because I started out so intense I got exhausted and really uncomfortable and decided to birth her in the bed. I tried going to bathroom one last time before getting in the bed. At 1:40am they checked the heart rate again - it was 148. They were pretty sure it wouldn’t be much longer. I tried standing, leaning, squatting, and sitting at the side of the bed. Finally we decided to try on the bed. I tried a few, but not many positions on the bed and they suggested having Michael lie on the bed propped up, and I lay between his legs against his chest. After a short time on the bed they suggested I try pushing lightly to see how it would go and if it would provide relief. It did.

I started really pushing (2:05am) and there was nothing but encouragement from the other side of the bed. Every push they saw more and more head peeking out. They encouraged me to feel. I felt the head go back up after a contraction and after that I started pushing more to keep it down. I was ready for her to be here and feeling her head was enough incentive to focus and push. At 2:15am the head had crowned. About 2-3 pushes in I started to really feel the pain. I didn’t get behind the contractions though and about 2 pushes later our baby was completely out (2:21am). MWA didn’t even have a chance to tell me to stop pushing so she could check to make sure the cord wasn’t around the baby’s neck. She just flew right out. And there she finally was – our daughter Paige Noelle.

Up onto my belly she went. I bled more than what they anticipated and although they were very serious and intent on taking care of my immediate medical needs, they didn't do it in a way that made me scared. They had a look on their face that they were worried, but they were very reassuring that they had it under control. They gave me oxygen and two shots of Pitocin in my legs to help slow the bleeding and then allowed me to push the placenta out (2:39am) once the cord had stopped pulsating. MW filled a dropper with medicine (we still don’t know what it was – something for the bleeding) that tasted like battery acid. They did the APGAR test immediately and she was a 9. They did another APGAR at 5 minutes and she was a perfect 10.

They watched me for a while then asked me to slide to the end of the bed. They used some chairs from the other room to put my legs up. They handed Michael the baby, numbed me and stitched closed the small, but very uncomfortable, tear I had received from the explosive birth. You would think feeling of pushing a 6.5 pound object would top the feeling of a needle in the crotch … but no. I’ll take another kid to a needle.

They encouraged me to get up and go to the bathroom after suturing me if I felt good enough. I did at the time so MWA and MW helped me up and to the bathroom in our bedroom. Once done I wanted a shower and try to get washed off. They were great helping me get back and forth between the bedroom and bathroom. They slowly walked me to the shower but before I could get in, I felt weak and wanted to lie down. On the way to the room I passed out and fell into MW’s arms. All I remember is her saying “MaryBeth, MaryBeth, can you hear me?” and it slowly fading out. They guided me to the ground, propped my head up on MW's lap, and put pillows under my legs. MW called for ammonia but before they could get it I woke up. Their voices sounded really far away as I came back. The noises slowly got louder and louder. I heard MW ask for ammonia and then her say “MaryBeth, can you hear me?” I think I asked her if I passed out or something. I think Michael was more scared then I was. I looked over at him, he looked absolutely terrified. He was looking at me with these huge eyes like “Is she going to be ok?” He was doing a wonderful job keeping our daughter content.

MW stayed with me on the floor while MWA pulled the sheets off the bed and remade it. She put down chucks where I was going to lay. After the rest on the floor they helped me crawl to the bed. I felt like one of the crippled people you see in movies when someone pushes them out of their wheelchair and they have to crawl halfway across the room to get it. Needless to say, I didn't walk for the rest of the day - I crawled back and forth to our bathroom. They got me back on the bed and monitored me for about 3 hours as they continued to clean up. They put the dirty sheets and towels in the washer, put hydrogen peroxide in with it, and let it soak. Later we ran the load and all the stains came out!

So that's how the homebirth went in a nutshell. Shorter and more intense than we expected, but overall a great experience =)

The postpartum checks have been great also. MWA called me on Sunday (11/16), came out on Monday (11/17), (our midwife) and MWA came again Wednesday (11/19). The final visit was this past Wednesday (11/26). At the final visit, MWA did the PKU test for the baby, as well as the hearing screen which she passed =)

Monday, September 8, 2008

And the countdown begins ....

Things going on with us ....

We had a couple of 3d/4d ultrasounds in the hopes of getting of good shot of baby girl Lopez ... she was semi-cooperative ... she's a snuggler and likes her arm ... Michael has posted them to flickr ... feel free to check them out, as well as nursery pics ... Baby Pics
As we get closer to her birth, I get more and more excited ... I'm so glad we have chosen to have her at home - I'm excited that we'll be able to spend her first few hours together at home without noisy interruptions, beeping IVs, medical staff interruptions, or trips to the nursery for shots, etc.
The nursery is slowly getting put together - I'm looking forward to getting it finished.
I think her birth will really feel close when we order the birth kit and start having checks every 2 weeks - it - she will be here before we know it.

Michael is still enjoying flying. More senior people are going to his base so we're not sure how that will affect his flying, but it's not too bad at the moment. We're hoping we can work out some time off for him to be home for the baby's birth and some time afterwards.

I had my first nursing test today and did pretty good on it - which is a big relief. I'm hoping things will stay that way so I don't have to stay in school longer than planned.

On a final happy note ... I baked some cupcakes tonight that were quick, easy, and really yummy - even without the icing .. so I thought I'd share the RECIPE

Check in Often =)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Baby Update

Baby continues to be active .... nothing too exciting to report. She's a good little baby and doesn't cause me any problems or drama ... hopefully that will carry over into labor and her birth =)

We have our blessing on Saturday and then leave early Sunday morning for a week in Jamaica. Our honeymoon has turned into our "babymoon" and we're looking forward to it. We have a nice room that's supposed to be near the beach. I can't wait to get in the sand and water!!!

As people continue to ask "What doctor are you seeing? What hospital are you delivering at?" I have started wondering when birth became a medical procedure and not another life event. Michael and I are so excited to have the opportunity to have our daughter at home and as we get to know our midwife and plan the birth, I can't imagine having her any other way. I'm excited about being able to relax in our home and let our daughter come when she's ready.

Michael has been phenomenal. I have heard of husbands and fathers not being very involved in their wife's pregnancy/child's birth. I can't imagine not having Michael as involved as he is. He takes such good care of us =)

This is all for now! I'll update again when we get back from Jamaica and have another prenatal with our wonderful midwife =)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

How Time Flies

I received a message today that reminded me to enjoy the kicks and rolls in the belly because time flies. It brought tears to my eyes as I thought about how true that was.

This time last year, I was a few weeks away from meeting Michael. This past year with him has been absolutely wonderful. He captured my heart from the beginning. When I saw him for the first time, I knew he was the one I'd waited my whole life for. I instantly fell in love with him and have been head over heels ever since. He is the truly the most amazing man I know and I'm so lucky to have him as my husband.

I never thought last year that I'd be married and expecting a child. Life surprises us. I remember when we found out we were pregnant .. we could hardly believe it. I think I cried alot the first couple of days wondering how in the world I could be a good mommy without neglecting Michael or school. That soon turned to happiness as we began planning for life with a new baby.
I remember the first ultrasound and seeing the heartbeat. We created it? Wow. I worried so much in between each prenatal ... what if something happens and I don't know it??? Then I started showing. Then I felt kicking. Then sleeping became uncomfortable. Then we found out it's a little girl.

Time has flown so fast. I want it to all slow down. I know before long ... she'll be here. Then she'll smile. Roll over. Coo. Crawl. Toddle. Walk. Run. Skip. Jump. Grow up. Before long ... she won't even be a baby anymore.

Time flies so fast. Don't take it for granted. Love the one you're with and tell them everyday =)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Our Daughter's Name

For those curious -- we have a name. And seeing as how we decided not to keep that she was a little girl secret ... we are keeping her name a secret =)

Everyone will find out when she's born!! =) Until then have fun looking at pics =P

Monday, July 21, 2008

Our Little Girl

We have recently found out that we are pregnant with a little girl. We debated keeping this a secret, but decided against it. However, we think we might keep the name a secret =) We have consulted with one cousin who is expecting to make sure they aren't thinking of the same name and they aren't! =)

Morning sickness is a thing of the past - seems like forever ago when I last had it. I've had no complications at all - thankfully. She has started kicking and it's a wonderful feeling. We're finally starting on the nursery and getting things in order.

As far as Michael and I ... Michael is still loving his job and is still in ATL. I've finished my externship, but will still work occasionally for $$ and experience.

We're having our blessing in August, followed by our honeymoon to Jamaica. We can't wait!! We're so excited and ready to go =)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

First Baby Lopez

So as most of our family and friends know ... baby Lopez #1 is in the making. I'll be trying to keep up to date on here - with pics and posts.

We had one ultrasound way long time ago it seems ... which confirmed we were indeed pregnant =)
It was such an amazing feeling to see something we'd made beating its little heart away while growing inside me.

We have decided to use a CPM (Cert. Prof. Midwife) for our birth, which we plan to have here at home with the help of our MW, her assistant(s), and a doula. We plan to set up the birthing tub in the baby's room - since of course the day is all about our little one.

In a few weeks we will find out what we're having -- we only have one vote for a boy, the rest are girls. I have an urge to buy all things girl, except for little boy things that have planes on them to save for later. I'd love to have either, as long as it's happy and healthy. Though, I'm not afraid to admit that I wouldn't be the least bit disappointed if baby Lopez #1 does indeed happen to be a little girl. Girls are so much easier to shop for! =P

Although if we did have a little boy -- we'd only have one boy to worry about, instead of every boy. haha.

I had some sickness off and on for the majority of the first trimester. Round ligament pains have come and gone since the beginning -- I'm sure they'll continue. I don't really have cravings, except the same I had before baby - Chocolate, mac and cheese, sushi. As far as sushi goes, Michael has been informed that as soon as labor starts, a sushi run needs to be to follow soon after. The baby has been good for my diet -- for the most part. I've tried to eat more fresh fruits (not a big veggie person unless it's soup or someone else cooks it). Lucky for me .. summer is fresh fruit season and I'm enjoying every bit of it -- strawberries April-May, blueberries and peaches June-til they run out ... not sure what will be next -- probably pineapple and maybe some fruits I haven't tried before (maybe star fruit or mangoes?)

The belly is growing -- every day it seems. The baby has begun to kick which is a wonderful reassurance. The heart rate is usually in the 140s when we have it checked. We're planning to get another stethoscope or fetoscope so we can listen whenever we want. =)

I'll keep you posted. And if anyone knows how to make the blog fancy ... like decorating the top myself or anything .. please do tell!!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Pregnancy ..... cont =)

The day after I wrote the last note - I felt the baby kick for the first time. At first I was like "Was that a kick?" and everyday since that day I've felt it. It's so exciting. It's reassurance that everything is ok and it's growing and learning to move.

Even when I got the bump, I'd worry - is it ok? Is it growing? Moving? Doing everything it's supposed to? Now that I can actually feel it move - I'm settling into the excitement of Michael and I becoming parents and not worrying so much.

I haven't gained much weight yet - not that I'm complaining. I've gained about 8lbs - give or take. I'm trying to eat healthy and not pack on a bunch of extra weight. Michael has been wonderful helping me resist the chocolate, caffeine, and sweet cravings. I've been stocking up on fresh fruit to help provide healthy snack alternatives. =)

This past weekend we flew into Melbourne, FL to see some friends and family. Thursday night we went to his aunt Linda's house and I met her and her kids for the first time, as well as the Fritz's. They are all so much fun!! I enjoyed the get together very much and look forward to many more family get togethers in the future =) I really love and appreciate how close knit and welcoming his entire family is - it's a wonderful feeling to be a part of such an amazing family. I'm glad I didn't get voted off the island =P His aunt Linda made us a cake with baby booties on top - one blue and one pink. She told us whichever one was cut first was what we were having. We saved the top layer with the booties for Saturday night dinner with his parents. Martha cut the pink bootie first. We now have about 4 votes for a girl. haha.

On Friday, we met his friend Keith and his gf Tera and went to SeaWorld. I lasted until about 530 and then fatigue hit. The baby has brought on a new kind of exhaustion. I just can't do what I used to anymore. Michael is so understanding with that. As soon as I say I'm tired, whatever we're doing is over. He's going to make a wonderful father - so patient and understanding =)

SeaWorld was awesome though - we got through about 75% of the park done before leaving.

Friday night we had dinner with his parents. Saturday we walked up into Cocoa Village to some of the stores, went to lunch and Get Smart that afternoon, and then had dinner with his parents and a couple they are friends with =)

All in all it was a wonderful trip. I always enjoy getting away .. and also getting to see the Lopez fam =)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mommy in the Making

The feeling of becoming a mommy is indescribable. I thought I'd be more scared or apprehensive, but I'm so excited. And I couldn't dream of being married to and having children with any other man than Michael. He's been absolutely wonderful since we started talking and has gotten better everyday. I know he'll be a wonderful father. Having that trust in him and the wonderful relationship that we do makes becoming a mommy a wonderful adventure in life. This is going to be great and I can't wait to meet our baby.

I've always heard horror stories about morning sickness, back pain, various other things. Morning sickness sucked, but it GOES AWAY. I think people forget to tell you that. I haven't had back paiusedn, but I think my sciatic nerve has been sat on a couple of times. That's the baby getting me back for doing it to mom =P Sleeping can be sucky. It's better when Michael's around. It's hard to get comfy in a big empty bed when I can only sleep on my side. Apprenhension comes, but so does excitement =)

As far as when the baby comes, we're going against "tradition" and doing things the traditional way (by that I mean how things used to be done traditionally). We're hoping to deliver the baby at home with a midwife =) We couldn't be happier about our decision. Our midwife has been great so far and we're looking forward to her helping us through this process of becoming parents =)

Sunday, June 15, 2008


So I realized I didn't continue my last post. Oops. Oh well. I might insert a post about last week's ER experiences if I get a chance.

Josiah and Laura's wedding was yesterday. It was nice and we enjoyed the festivities. Michael and I were discussing though how all the festivities aren't for everyone and how glad we are that we got married the way we did.

more later .. i'm about to fall asleep

Friday, May 30, 2008

Trauma: Life in the ER - as a nursing student

Monday, May 26

So because I had already gone through orientation and been working at the hospital some, I had the pleasure of working this past week instead of sitting in classes.

Monday and Tuesday were quite eventful, Wednesday not so much.

For those who don't know, I'm in the ED (formally called the ER) in a community hospital. We get it raw basically. Monday I was with an awesome nurse who started me out first thing in the morning doing anything and everything she could find for me to do. I attempted all the IVs on her patients, except the first one and maybe one other one. I wasn't successful on any of them, although she was able to use the one I blew through. =\ She let me give almost all the meds to the patients including subcutaneous and intramuscular injections. So exciting!! =)

I felt somewhat bad putting unsuccessful IVs in people, but I know it's happened to every nurse at some point in time. The best way to learn is through experience and practice makes perfect. I got better. She didn't give up on me and kept showing me techniques. I felt more confident each time I attempted.

Giving injections was a big thrill for me. I feel very confident about those. I even remembered to pull back for IMs!!!! I was really glad I didn't make anyone scream. =)

One of our patients was a respiratory patient with pneumonia. His oxygen blood saturation levels were dropping the whole time he was in there so we had to intubate him. They let me push the meds for it. It was exciting and scary at the same time to know that I was paralyzing someone. Everyone was wonderful though explaining what was going on during the procedure.

We also had a falls patient that turned out to be a cardiac patient. She had fallen the night before and came in short of breath, pain on deep inspiration, and slight retractions when laying down. It wasn't until she had been in there for a WHILE and her cardiac blood work came back and one of her cardiac enzymes was EXTREMELY elevated indicating and MI (heart attack) or equivocal cardiac event. They got started with meds on her really quick.

I found it interesting how those in the medical field get so set on the "common" presenting signs and symptoms for a certain condition that they miss little things or not so common. Kind of like not giving credit to the few small trees that are starting to sprout because there isn't a big forest around them. They don't see the forest those trees will eventually turn in to. I'm not in any way saying that I would have considered an MI or any cardiac event. I'm just saying that I think it's interesting how much faith some people place in doctors to know an excessive amount of information and be able to determine within a few minutes or hours what's wrong with them and how to fix it.

Tuesday, May 27

I worked with a different nurse mainly in the OB/GYN rooms. We had lots of women with pelvic/abdominal pain and cramping. I attempted a few IVs. I was successful with one, but it slid out on me - stupid catheter. I saw a few pelvic exams and we administered a lot of morphine. One patient was in the ED from 0700 to 1500 or 1600. Long time. Finally found out she had gallstones, but she didn't want surgery - just pain meds and to go home.

I'm beginning to think it interesting how many people will come spend half a day in an ER just to get some pain meds that they can't refill and have to come back later. Instead they could go to a doctor who can monitor them and all their conditions, instead of just their current condition. A regular doctor can also give them refillable pain medication. I just don't understand what kind of logic some of these people are operating with.

The main excitement of my day came as I was rounding the corner to leave for lunch. My nurse directed me into one of the cardiac/trauma rooms where a CODE was in progress. Unfortunate for the patient, but loads of excitement for me. I walked in about halfway through, but they were still shocking, pushing meds, and trying to pace the patient's heart. I put in my first catheter during that event and it was successful on the first attempt! =) Unfortunately after a good 15-25 minutes, the time was called and me and a nurse cleaned up the room and made the patient as presentable as possible.

As I reflected on the situation later, I wondered why it wasn't difficult for me to watch a patient die in that manner, but it was in the situation of cancer or other progressive disease. The only answer I came up with was it was easier to watch someone just die without them really knowing it or at least appear to know than it was to watch someone suffer day after day and then just give up. I can't stand to watch other people suffer. I suppose that's why I like an ER. We take care of the people for the moment - other people with more patience endure the suffering. I don't mean it to sound harsh, I just don't like watching the suffering.

Wednesday, May 28

I was with another nurse today. We received report about 0715 or so. By 0730, I had put in my first successful IV. I had a major boost of confidence and my day was made. The day was fairly uneventful. I administered some pain meds to that same patient. We had a respiratory patient come in. I started another successful catheter.

to be continued....

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Our World

Michael received the transfer to ATL to a bigger CRJ that he was really wanting. I received a job offer as an NAII-Secretary in the ER, as well as a summer externship in the same department. I really wanted to be in the ER and am very excited about the opportunities I'll have over the next year.

I only have one more exam to go and I'll be a senior!! woot!!

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Michael and I got married today in a small ceremony at home. His parents and my parents were both here - actually dad did the ceremony for us =)
My brother, Josiah, and his fiance, Laura came. Josiah gave me away =)
My grandmother also came up for the day. Some of my friends Ashley E (my maid of honor), Catherine, her boyfriend Ben, and Ashley (from school) were also able to come =)

We all sat around and visited for a little while afterwards and then everyone headed back home.

We are headed out to the Outer Banks to Kitty Hawk for a mini honeymoon, but are still planning to have our honeymoon to Jamaica in August.

We'll still be having a reception/celebration as soon as we have a chance to put one together =)