Monday, June 30, 2008

Pregnancy ..... cont =)

The day after I wrote the last note - I felt the baby kick for the first time. At first I was like "Was that a kick?" and everyday since that day I've felt it. It's so exciting. It's reassurance that everything is ok and it's growing and learning to move.

Even when I got the bump, I'd worry - is it ok? Is it growing? Moving? Doing everything it's supposed to? Now that I can actually feel it move - I'm settling into the excitement of Michael and I becoming parents and not worrying so much.

I haven't gained much weight yet - not that I'm complaining. I've gained about 8lbs - give or take. I'm trying to eat healthy and not pack on a bunch of extra weight. Michael has been wonderful helping me resist the chocolate, caffeine, and sweet cravings. I've been stocking up on fresh fruit to help provide healthy snack alternatives. =)

This past weekend we flew into Melbourne, FL to see some friends and family. Thursday night we went to his aunt Linda's house and I met her and her kids for the first time, as well as the Fritz's. They are all so much fun!! I enjoyed the get together very much and look forward to many more family get togethers in the future =) I really love and appreciate how close knit and welcoming his entire family is - it's a wonderful feeling to be a part of such an amazing family. I'm glad I didn't get voted off the island =P His aunt Linda made us a cake with baby booties on top - one blue and one pink. She told us whichever one was cut first was what we were having. We saved the top layer with the booties for Saturday night dinner with his parents. Martha cut the pink bootie first. We now have about 4 votes for a girl. haha.

On Friday, we met his friend Keith and his gf Tera and went to SeaWorld. I lasted until about 530 and then fatigue hit. The baby has brought on a new kind of exhaustion. I just can't do what I used to anymore. Michael is so understanding with that. As soon as I say I'm tired, whatever we're doing is over. He's going to make a wonderful father - so patient and understanding =)

SeaWorld was awesome though - we got through about 75% of the park done before leaving.

Friday night we had dinner with his parents. Saturday we walked up into Cocoa Village to some of the stores, went to lunch and Get Smart that afternoon, and then had dinner with his parents and a couple they are friends with =)

All in all it was a wonderful trip. I always enjoy getting away .. and also getting to see the Lopez fam =)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mommy in the Making

The feeling of becoming a mommy is indescribable. I thought I'd be more scared or apprehensive, but I'm so excited. And I couldn't dream of being married to and having children with any other man than Michael. He's been absolutely wonderful since we started talking and has gotten better everyday. I know he'll be a wonderful father. Having that trust in him and the wonderful relationship that we do makes becoming a mommy a wonderful adventure in life. This is going to be great and I can't wait to meet our baby.

I've always heard horror stories about morning sickness, back pain, various other things. Morning sickness sucked, but it GOES AWAY. I think people forget to tell you that. I haven't had back paiusedn, but I think my sciatic nerve has been sat on a couple of times. That's the baby getting me back for doing it to mom =P Sleeping can be sucky. It's better when Michael's around. It's hard to get comfy in a big empty bed when I can only sleep on my side. Apprenhension comes, but so does excitement =)

As far as when the baby comes, we're going against "tradition" and doing things the traditional way (by that I mean how things used to be done traditionally). We're hoping to deliver the baby at home with a midwife =) We couldn't be happier about our decision. Our midwife has been great so far and we're looking forward to her helping us through this process of becoming parents =)

Sunday, June 15, 2008


So I realized I didn't continue my last post. Oops. Oh well. I might insert a post about last week's ER experiences if I get a chance.

Josiah and Laura's wedding was yesterday. It was nice and we enjoyed the festivities. Michael and I were discussing though how all the festivities aren't for everyone and how glad we are that we got married the way we did.

more later .. i'm about to fall asleep