Thursday, July 3, 2008

First Baby Lopez

So as most of our family and friends know ... baby Lopez #1 is in the making. I'll be trying to keep up to date on here - with pics and posts.

We had one ultrasound way long time ago it seems ... which confirmed we were indeed pregnant =)
It was such an amazing feeling to see something we'd made beating its little heart away while growing inside me.

We have decided to use a CPM (Cert. Prof. Midwife) for our birth, which we plan to have here at home with the help of our MW, her assistant(s), and a doula. We plan to set up the birthing tub in the baby's room - since of course the day is all about our little one.

In a few weeks we will find out what we're having -- we only have one vote for a boy, the rest are girls. I have an urge to buy all things girl, except for little boy things that have planes on them to save for later. I'd love to have either, as long as it's happy and healthy. Though, I'm not afraid to admit that I wouldn't be the least bit disappointed if baby Lopez #1 does indeed happen to be a little girl. Girls are so much easier to shop for! =P

Although if we did have a little boy -- we'd only have one boy to worry about, instead of every boy. haha.

I had some sickness off and on for the majority of the first trimester. Round ligament pains have come and gone since the beginning -- I'm sure they'll continue. I don't really have cravings, except the same I had before baby - Chocolate, mac and cheese, sushi. As far as sushi goes, Michael has been informed that as soon as labor starts, a sushi run needs to be to follow soon after. The baby has been good for my diet -- for the most part. I've tried to eat more fresh fruits (not a big veggie person unless it's soup or someone else cooks it). Lucky for me .. summer is fresh fruit season and I'm enjoying every bit of it -- strawberries April-May, blueberries and peaches June-til they run out ... not sure what will be next -- probably pineapple and maybe some fruits I haven't tried before (maybe star fruit or mangoes?)

The belly is growing -- every day it seems. The baby has begun to kick which is a wonderful reassurance. The heart rate is usually in the 140s when we have it checked. We're planning to get another stethoscope or fetoscope so we can listen whenever we want. =)

I'll keep you posted. And if anyone knows how to make the blog fancy ... like decorating the top myself or anything .. please do tell!!

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